Sunday, March 18, 2007


Josh started putting the fence up in the backyard while I was gone last weekend. I went to a conference at Virginia Beach. It was a great time of word and fellowhsip. Josh got sick with that NASTY stomach virus in the middle of the week and everything was put on hold for both of us. So...his weekend was spent in bed and I was busy cleaning, organizing, washing, and anything else you can think of to occupy my time at home. Josh is doing much better.

We went to church this morning and then headed to Nashville for Ryan's memorial service. It was a awesome service. Ryan is a true hero and will never be forgotten. I am so thankful to have known him.

It was really good to see everyone from NPWC. A flood of Planet Rock memories hit me every time I walk through the doors. After service some of us sat around and talked about some of the things we used to do in youth. It seems just like yesterday. WOW how time flies.

Next weekend we will be heading to Washington, DC for a conference. I promise to take pictures.


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh...could you describe, in detail, why Amber would call the stomach virus a NASTY stomach virus? I am just curious...smells, sights, etc...

Aaron Fernandez