Friday, February 29, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Tuesday night was our last night at New Beginnings. God has opened up an amazing door for Josh to now work as a Worship Leader. We are excited about the new doors opening up but sad to leave New Beginnings. We have learned so much being under Pastor Israel and Rachel. Josh and I have grown in many areas. We can't wait to see what God is going to do in our lives and at New Beginnings. They gave us a wonderful going away party and prayed the best prayer that has ever been prayed over us!!
Josh playing one last time at New Beginnings.
Lisa, me, and Pastor Theresa
Josh and Dereck
Me and Pastor Rachel
Darlene, me, Melanie, and Baylee. These ladies helped me out A LOT in the Nursery. I couldn't have done it with out them!! Baylee is just so cute....I needed a picture.