Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

The finished product....

The guys enjoying some leftovers from Thanksgiving lunch.
Macy is patiently waiting for Jared to finsh the lights.

Josh is putting the lights on the tree while Jared finds something to watch on tv.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Today, we attempted decorating the house for Christmas but didn't get very far. Everything is still in boxes. Instead, we found ourselves napping and watching movies. Macy enjoyed a bone but ended up sleeping as well.

Monday, November 14, 2005

There is a great story behind this piano. Josh found it on the side of the road on his way back to work one day. He and the guy that was throwing it away pushed it to the bank in downtown Rocky Mount. He left it in the breakroom until he and his grandfather could bring it home.

Here are some pics of our new house. It was built in 1948 and we are in the process of bringing it up to date. It's been a lot of work so far.

more to come...

Welcome to our blog. This post is dedicated to the newest member of our family -- Macy. She is a one-year-old Springer Spaniel, and we love her (except when she ate the kitchen rug last week).