Thursday, January 24, 2008

This weekend

Sorry, no pictures from this weekend. We forgot the camera. Friday, Josh and I spent most of the day cleaning...getting ready for open house on Sunday. We are going to start back having them every Sunday. UGH...We are aggressively trying to sell the house. :)

Saturday, Josh and I went to Rocky Mount to run a few errands. We ate lunch with Josh's parents and stopped by my mom's on the way home.

Sunday, we ate dinner with my dad. Heath and Josh had a great time together. I played with Anna and Kara for most of the night. They have a great imagination!!

We had a great weekend. We had the opportunity to spend time with all of our family!! That is always nice. Josh put up our swing...which we have enjoyed everyday. We swing everynight. I know it is crazy considering how cold it has been.

Ava Lynn Pitts

On January 17th, David and Susan became the proud parents of Ava Lynn Pitts. I will have to say she is absolutely adorable!!! We are very happy and excited for David and Susan. They are going to be great parents!!

Jason Upton

Last Saturday and Sunday we were honored to have Jason Upton at our church. He is an awesome worship leader and speaker. We had a great time with him.

Susan's Baby shower

A couple weeks ago, Pastor Rachel and I had a baby shower for Susan Pitts. She was unable to come....therefore David took her place. We had a fun night of games, food, and of course presents. We missed having Susan there. David was a good sport about it. We had some of the guys from church come out for support.

David dressed for the part

Saying a prayer over Susan and Ava

Saturday, January 05, 2008


We went to my mom's to eat and play pictionary. It was a lot of fun.
A blogspot is not complete without a self-portrait!! It's our signature!

Bathing suits??? They love to play dress up
Josh waiting for Heath to start drawing!!
She loves lipstick, makeup, shoes, and being in pictures..Not sure where she gets it from!?!
Mom figuring out which one she wants to draw
Kara taking a picture of Josh and her.
Playing dressup


Yesterday, Josh and I cleaned out closets and came across some of Macy's clothes. The moment she smelled them she started barking...this meaning she wanted to wear it. Josh put her shirt on her...she was like a different dog!!! She was very calm and relaxed!! Here she is posing for the camera.
She flips the hood up over her eyes for a good shot!! HAHAHA

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone!!! We had a comedian at church and then went to an After Party at Pastor's house. We played the game Apple to Apples. It can be rather humorous!! You should try it. We pray blessings and prosperity on everyone this year!!~

It is a NewBeginnings tradition to have cheesecake on New Years. This year was no different.