Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday Sanctuary Kids had its annual Talent Show. We were raising money for new puppets. I was thrilled with the amount of support we had! We are going to be able to buy more puppets than I initially thought!


I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted! Here is a quick update.....on our life!

We started clearing land last week. So exciting!

Spring is finally here! The weather has been beautiful. We have been able to go to the beach several times. Traffic has increased and Walmart is to be avoided due to all the tourists.....which is the down side to living so close to the beach. I can live with that a few months out of the year!

In March my aunt Leta passed away. We traveled to High Point to attend the funeral. She was a mighty woman of God and will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Danny, Samuel, and Matthew are in our prayers daily!!

In February our church purchased 10 acres of land less than a mile from our current location. We are very excited about our new building. We are really growing in our current location and desperately need to move to a bigger facility. This phase will be a temporary sanctuary but the permanent children's facility. I am really excited about being a part of the design of the children's department.

We also got 4-5 inches of snow! It was beautiful coming down but it didn't stay around long. Life went on as usual!

Preview of the Christmas Production Josh and I wrote. It was a huge success! We had so much fun writing it, building the set, getting the dances together, etc..