Friday, June 26, 2009

Sunday we met the Clark's for Sunday lunch. Again, I didn't bring the camera because we left as soon as we finished church. We had a great lunch and time honoring Josh's dad for Father's Day. They spent the week at Topsoil beach. They picked a beautiful week to vacation!!

Birthday Party

I forgot to bring the camera to Anna and Kara's birthday party. I was so upset!! :( They had a great time. It was at the Mini-putt. We played games, ate, and opened presents! Josh and I got the girls matching scooters. They loved them. They rode them all around the foyer at the Mini-putt.

Trip home

I went home to go to Anna and Kara's birthday party and to celebrate Father's Day. We had good food and fun fellowship. We got him a bike for Father's Day.
Dad and Leah...she sneezed as I took the picture.

We were trying to all squeeze into the picture.

Super Star

My "SuperStar" pose

Beach Pictures

Here are a few pictures we took at the beach a couple weeks ago. My favorite.
I almost fell


Josh took formal pictures during Black Tie and Graduation. Jared came out to help!! I helped too but also got to play with Piper during graduation. She is our Pastors daughter. We had a great time playing together!! She is Miss personality!

NCCT Graduation

The beginning of June we attended North Carolina College of Theology graduation. Josh received his Doctorate in Music. Graduation was awesome! I loved being at graduation because it was all God centered!! Much different than our graduations from high school and college. Josh is on the second row talking! (ha ha) and Pastor Daniel is on the front row looking at the camera.
He was created to worship!

Thursday night was Black Tie was fun getting dressed up.
This was our second Black tie and Graduation. Next year it will be at Myrtle Beach!! I can't wait!