Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dedicated to Macy

On Saturday, we took Macy to the groomers for a much needed hair cut. She looks so cute. She actually looks like she has lost 10 is amazing what a hair cut will do. I played with the camera some. Macy enjoyed posing for me.


This dog is a trip!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Chapter 1 Photography

Josh has been working hard on his photography business. God has really blessed us in the past couple of weeks. He has gotten several weddings and is attending several bridal shows in the upcoming weeks. Check out his new website.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Our Trip to D.C.

We went to Washington DC this weekend. We had the best time. On Friday we enjoyed Chinese massages and lots of shopping in Potomac Mills. We ate at a great Thai restaurant on Friday night and enjoyed the night life of Alexandria. Saturday morning we got up early and headed to DC. Can I say that it was sooooooo COLD!! It actual snowed. It was so much fun. We went to the Smithsonian, the Washington monument, and to the Holocaust museum. The Holocaust museum was very eye opening but I really enjoyed it. We ended up leaving early because it was snowing so much.

It was snowing so hard.

Josh and I at the Washington Monument.

Pastor Rachel and I waiting to get on the elevator to go to the top of the monument.

Pastor Rachel and Charity on the metro.

Joleen was really enjoying the metro ride.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Josh and I have been really busy!!! Where do I begin. We have had several people interested in our house. We stand firm that our house is SOLD in Jesus name. We have found the most adorable yet big house in Wilson that Josh and I are going to place a offer on, once ours goes under contract. Which should be soon. We have been super busy with church. I am participating in "I Lost it at Church" we are having aerobic classes twice a week. I have also been working out at the Regancy with my dear friend Charity. So to answer everyone's question....I am still dieting. Yeah for me. This weekend we are off to Washington D.C. which is going to be so much fun!! I can't wait. God is doing amazing things in our life and at church. Well, I am off to "I lost it at church"