Saturday, February 11, 2006

Our Trip to D.C.

We went to Washington DC this weekend. We had the best time. On Friday we enjoyed Chinese massages and lots of shopping in Potomac Mills. We ate at a great Thai restaurant on Friday night and enjoyed the night life of Alexandria. Saturday morning we got up early and headed to DC. Can I say that it was sooooooo COLD!! It actual snowed. It was so much fun. We went to the Smithsonian, the Washington monument, and to the Holocaust museum. The Holocaust museum was very eye opening but I really enjoyed it. We ended up leaving early because it was snowing so much.

It was snowing so hard.

Josh and I at the Washington Monument.

Pastor Rachel and I waiting to get on the elevator to go to the top of the monument.

Pastor Rachel and Charity on the metro.

Joleen was really enjoying the metro ride.