Monday, March 20, 2006

Denver, Colorado

Pastor Rachel, Josh, and myself ventured out to Denver this weekend. We were invited by Pastor Bagwell from Word of Life Ministries to fill-in for their worship leader. What a great honor and experience it was. We had a great time and were treated like royalty. Josh played and Pastor Rachel led worship. It was awesome. God really moved in both services. We enjoyed shopping, eating, and exploring the town. We had a great visit with Ben Fernandez. It was so good to see him. It started snowing on Sunday night. By the time we left there were several inches on the ground. Therefore, we had a long wait at the airport. It was fun though. I really enjoyed getting used to the climate and altitude there. Which was very different than North Carolina!!! We are glad to be home. It was a great trip. This is just the beginning of many trips!! Going over the songlist for Sunday morning and Sunday night service.
Josh at the airport waiting patiently for our flight to Raleigh-Durham.
Pastor Rachel leading worship on Sunday night. You can see the top of Josh's forehead behind the piano.
Josh and Ben Ben waiting to go to church.
A scenic picture of Denver.