Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend at the beach

This weekend Josh and I went to Wilmington to watch Jared run and take care of a few other things. It was a beautiful weekend. We enjoyed hanging out with his parents and the Fernandez crew. We enjoyed the time we got to spend with everyone. We hate we didn't get to spend much time with everyone. Jared let us stay in his room at the condo. Thanks Jared!!
Jared did an awesome job running on Saturday. He had been sick all week and still won!!Jared is ready to run
Josh with his mom
Josh getting out of the sun while Jared stretched for his big race
Wind blown look :)
Friday night we went to eat at Longhorn with Josh's parents. We had a fantastic meal. Josh and I took Jared back to his condo...we had the mini packed with stuff for the Josh, Jared, and I all rode in the front seat. It was a tight ride but we made it.