Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friday night

Friday night Josh and I went over to mom and John's for dinner. Heath and Paige ate with us and then went to the movies. We hung out with the girls. We had a great time. They are always entertaining.Anna, Kara, and Luke

Luke is still hanging in there.

Playing a game Josh came up with.

Mom and John
Kara added in the red highlights
Family Tree
Chalk every where!

The glasses club

The cake that I didn't eat!! Go me!!

Swinging with Uncle Josh


Unknown said...

I can't believe that Luke is still around! He is such a good dog! Ya'll should throw him a party.

taquito said...

your drawings look amazing.!
I stand. I am taquito of argentina, but I do not speak their language because I am elsewhere in the world. I hope you understand me know ..
I arrived here squeezing in "other blogs" good and start reading. is quite interesting!
visit me in PuertoSalmón
i speak spanish. sorry