Saturday, April 12, 2008

This week in review....

Friday night we went over to my mom's for dinner. We ate pizza and had a great salad. After dinner we enjoyed playing lots of stuff with the Anna and Kara. The weather was extremely nice so most of our time was spent outside. I promise to start taking my camera more.
Mom riding her bike.
Heath riding the bike in his house shoes.
Playing hopscotch. I forgot how fun it was!

We had a great time drawing with side walk chalk. I forgot how messy it was. We created masterpieces.

Anna and I...I am an official red head at least at the top. I am addicted to getting my hair colored (haha) What can I say, I like change!! :)
gotta color it in!

me, Anna, Kare, and Josh
I think we could make big bucks off this one!!!

Happy Birthday Shaney!!

Thursday night was Shannon's birthday. We enjoyed going out to eat with Keith, Joan, and Shannon. We had a great time at OUR favorite place to eat....Mama Mia. We had a good time of fellowship and honoring Shannon. Shannon has been a great friend to me through the years. We have had our share of laughs and tears. I hope she enjoyed her day. Shannon also got to taste the best cake ever....a seven layer caramel cake. It is the best out of this world delicious!!! Daddy Clark introduced us to this decedent treat!! Josh has already placed his order for the seven layer chocolate for his birthday in May.

Monday night we had a "Certified" celebration with the Clarks. You have no idea what a big deal me getting certified means I HAVE A JOB!! It is a long story with lots of up and down details. All I can say is that God came through!!! Mike and Connie celebrated with us. Sorry, no camera.