Thursday, September 30, 2010

Now the fun begins

We are doing some remodeling to our new house. We started with our bedroom. I just realized I don't have any pictures of it. I will post those later. The more settled we are getting the more I am realizing how big this house is. I find myself starting some thing in one room, walking to another room to get some thing, starting some thing in that room, and never returning to what I started in the first place. I love it! Here are a few pictures of what we started this week.
Josh and Jared taking out the ceiling. You will see why we did this later.
Chaia and I knocking out the wall between the living room and the dining room. We are getting rid of the dining room to make a bigger kitchen and living room. The wall is gone. The closet to the left has been removed too. The Kitchen was really small for a house this size and the living room was oddly shaped. Getting rid of that wall is going to make the space more usable.