Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

Josh and his parents. After enjoying two days in Greensboro with my family. We headed home Sunday night to enjoy a great time with Josh's parents.
Mom's sister Debbie is on the left and her daughter Kim is on the right.

After enjoying good food and family fun we headed over to my other grandma's house in Thomasville. By the time we got there grandma was full and ready for a nap.

Josh relaxing after eating lots and lots of food. Grandma is the best cook!!!

Dad and Josh

Josh and I had a great Christmas. It was our first Christmas in our new home. We exchanged gifts from each other Friday night. We went ahead and exchanged gifts b/c we were going to Greensboro Saturday morning. We both got lots of goodies. We had a good time exchanging gifts. Saturday morning we got up and went to church for a candlelight service and then began our journey to Greensboro. We stopped at our favorite place to eat in Chapel Hill-----Cosmic Cantenna----best burritos in the world. You should try it sometime. We enjoyed seeing both sets of my grandparents Christmas Eve night. Christmas day we got up and enjoyed service with my dad's parents in Kernersville.