Wednesday, October 11, 2006


This weekend we painted our kitchen. You can also see the partly finished kitchen table. We are missing 4 chairs. I finished those the other night. I love the kitchen. It looks a lot darker in you should come see it. Melanie, Charity, and myself had a really good time Thursday night and part of Friday painting. We enjoyed singing old church songs and talking while we painted. Josh was busy moving the door bell and and laughing at us. Josh started painting the living room but we soon found out that we did not like the color we picked out. So we found another color and will start painting that next weekend. I am not looking forward to tackling that room!!!!!! Melanie and Charity have promised their services to help bring color to our house. Friday night Josh wasn't feeling well so we hung around the house and enjoyed a few movies. It was nice to veg. Saturday I cleaned and he painted. Of course Sunday was very busy with church.

This is what Macy did all night long. She is a good supervisor!!

Charity standing back looking at all the streaks she left on the wall. We had a problem with the first coat but it got fixed!!

Melanie our professional painter did all our trim work. Thank God for her!!! She worked really hard and did a great job.