Monday, October 23, 2006

Relaxation...well kind of

This weekend Josh and I tried to relax but ended up working a little on the house. He patched the walls and I cleaned. On Friday, we went to the fair and enjoyed good food. The rest of the weekend we did projects around the house. I think we both enjoyed being home. Our living room with new pillows and tables. As you can see the lower part of the room is painted. We are trying to find another color to paint the entire room. Neither of us liked the color up there now once it was painted. You live and learn!! As you can see we have a lot to paint in the living room.
Macy sporting her new sweater..and ten minutes later she ate it off!!!

Josh's assistant

This is where Josh removed our doorbell. He put it on the other side of the wall. He is patching the wall in the living room. I was a little scared!! It turned out very nice.
After moving in we found that our attic did not have a light in it. So...Josh installed one yesterday. He was very proud of his work.