Sunday, November 26, 2006

Holiday Decorations

Here are some of the decorations we were able to put up this weekend. I have to finish the rest this week. I am going to make a wreath for the doors and put more bows up.
Our nicely decorated Christmas Tree!

Happy Thanksgiving...King style

Happy Thanksgiving....King style. Tonight Josh and I cooked for my dad, Heath, Paige, Anna, Kara, and Jessica. We had lots of good food and fellowship. We enjoyed having them at our house.

A smile is worth a thousand words.
There is musical talent in this family!!!
Josh and Anna
Kara climbing on the table.
Macy was depressed because she could not come out to play. We made it up to her by giving her lots of leftovers!!
Dad and the girls
Kada as she was say

Josh's new outfit

Every week our choir has a color scheme for Sunday mornings. This week it happened to be animal print. So...........Josh took it to the next level and made his own shirt. He is so creative!! Enjoy! Over 800 staples made this shirt possible.

The Rainbows make the outfit. Don't you think??? How it came together.

Over two yards of animal print.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We enjoyed Thanksgiving with everyone but my dad. We will be celebrating with him on Sunday. He had to go out of town because my grandpa had surgery yesterday. Praise God he came through it on top and is getting better.
We enjoyed lots of good food and laughs at moms. We had a good time playing with Anna and Kara. They are always a highlight to every visit.

They are so beautiful!!

Josh and Anna.
Luke was enjoying a good rub

Hiding with Daddy
Boo! Playing hide and seek
Josh is going to be a very good daddy one day!!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband!!

Josh and Kara

Isn't this a beautiful arrangement!! As Anna and Kara would say, "goble, goble."

Just us girls

I goofed on the order of the pictures. We had lunch with Josh's family and dinner with mine. Unfortuantly, we did not take many pictures at lunch because the batteries died on Josh's camera.
Josh's cousin Besty.
We went to Josh's aunt and uncle's house to see his side of the family. The food was amazing and so was the fellowship.
Uncle Jim and me. The best cook around!!!!!!!
Everyone hanging out in the kitchen

The brothers

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!! In honor of the holiday Josh and I were discussing what we are most thankful for in our life. We are so blessed to serve a great God!!! Every year God has filled our life with so many new blessings. We are thankful for a wonderful God centered marriage, awesome health, our church, the awesome opportunity God has opened up for Josh to work in the ministry full time, my wonderful job, our beautiful home, our loving dog, we are also thankful for all of the people that God has sent into our life to be supportive and excited for the destiny that God has on our life. To our family and friends we love you and Happy Thanksgiving. We hope everyone had a blessed day.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Just a few pictures from this weekend

The Clark Family

Macy is ready for Christmas!!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Busy Saturday!

Our Christmas Tree was delivered today. We haven't started decorating it yet b/c we had other stuff to do today. We will probably start decorating tomorrow. I can't wait. We had to redecorate our living room.

I painted over the color we didn't like. I love the new color. Next weekend we are going to be painting the rest of the living room that color. Josh and I decided to take it in stages.

We took pictures for our Christmas card. This is one of many that we took.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What a weekend!!

This weekend was pretty busy. On Friday, we did some stuff around the house. I meet up with my mom to see Anna and Kara and to give mom her MP3 player that Josh got off of ebay for her. Saturday marked our annual church conference. Saturday night we enjoyed Martha Munizzi in concert. She was awesome!!!! She also spoke at our first service this morning. Pastor Israel spoke at our second service. We had service tonight with Pastor Al Brice and the CLFC choir. They have an amazing worship team. Tomorrow night and Tuesday we will have Pastor Tim Bagwell from Colorado. So far every service has been amazing and God has moved so strong. I know the rest of the week is going to continue to be like that. I am so excited about what God is doing in our life and in our families lives. I can not wait to see what is to come!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Our Trip to New York

We went to New York on Wednesday of last week and came home on Sunday. Our Pastor was running in the New York Marathon to help raise money for Judah Cuba. So they asked us to come along. Pastor Israel did an awesome job on Sunday running. We were very proud of him.

On Thursday, we spent all day in New York. We went to every major site in New York. We started early and got home really late. The nightlife in New York is amazing. We did some sightseeing, shopping, and eating. Friday, we went to Central park to get Pastor Israel registered for the race and he had a photosession. We continued to roam the city trying to see all that could be seen. On Saturday, Josh went to the photography convention, Pastor Israel rested up for the race, and we went shopping and got massages. Good stuff. All of Sunday was spent in Central Park cheering him on as he ran. We had a great time!! Our tour guides were the best!!! We are so thankful they asked us to go!!! Oh did I mention how good the food was. We enjoyed lots of ethnic food and pizza. We walked a lot so I did not feel bad for eating.

Josh took a lot of pictures. We are going to use them to decorate the huge wall in our living room.

Tons of people everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday morning before the race we made posters at Starbucks. We wanted to show our support.

Time Square.

We are wearing the same outfit in a lot the pictures because we did most of the main attractions in one day. Lots of walking.
Ground Zero.

We took a boat ride around the Hudson River.

Manhatten from the boat on the way to the Statue of Liberty.

This picture was taken from the top of the Empire State Building