Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We enjoyed Thanksgiving with everyone but my dad. We will be celebrating with him on Sunday. He had to go out of town because my grandpa had surgery yesterday. Praise God he came through it on top and is getting better.
We enjoyed lots of good food and laughs at moms. We had a good time playing with Anna and Kara. They are always a highlight to every visit.

They are so beautiful!!

Josh and Anna.
Luke was enjoying a good rub

Hiding with Daddy
Boo! Playing hide and seek
Josh is going to be a very good daddy one day!!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband!!

Josh and Kara

Isn't this a beautiful arrangement!! As Anna and Kara would say, "goble, goble."

Just us girls

I goofed on the order of the pictures. We had lunch with Josh's family and dinner with mine. Unfortuantly, we did not take many pictures at lunch because the batteries died on Josh's camera.
Josh's cousin Besty.
We went to Josh's aunt and uncle's house to see his side of the family. The food was amazing and so was the fellowship.
Uncle Jim and me. The best cook around!!!!!!!
Everyone hanging out in the kitchen

The brothers

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!! In honor of the holiday Josh and I were discussing what we are most thankful for in our life. We are so blessed to serve a great God!!! Every year God has filled our life with so many new blessings. We are thankful for a wonderful God centered marriage, awesome health, our church, the awesome opportunity God has opened up for Josh to work in the ministry full time, my wonderful job, our beautiful home, our loving dog, we are also thankful for all of the people that God has sent into our life to be supportive and excited for the destiny that God has on our life. To our family and friends we love you and Happy Thanksgiving. We hope everyone had a blessed day.