Monday, November 06, 2006

Our Trip to New York

We went to New York on Wednesday of last week and came home on Sunday. Our Pastor was running in the New York Marathon to help raise money for Judah Cuba. So they asked us to come along. Pastor Israel did an awesome job on Sunday running. We were very proud of him.

On Thursday, we spent all day in New York. We went to every major site in New York. We started early and got home really late. The nightlife in New York is amazing. We did some sightseeing, shopping, and eating. Friday, we went to Central park to get Pastor Israel registered for the race and he had a photosession. We continued to roam the city trying to see all that could be seen. On Saturday, Josh went to the photography convention, Pastor Israel rested up for the race, and we went shopping and got massages. Good stuff. All of Sunday was spent in Central Park cheering him on as he ran. We had a great time!! Our tour guides were the best!!! We are so thankful they asked us to go!!! Oh did I mention how good the food was. We enjoyed lots of ethnic food and pizza. We walked a lot so I did not feel bad for eating.

Josh took a lot of pictures. We are going to use them to decorate the huge wall in our living room.

Tons of people everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday morning before the race we made posters at Starbucks. We wanted to show our support.

Time Square.

We are wearing the same outfit in a lot the pictures because we did most of the main attractions in one day. Lots of walking.
Ground Zero.

We took a boat ride around the Hudson River.

Manhatten from the boat on the way to the Statue of Liberty.

This picture was taken from the top of the Empire State Building