Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Day

We enjoyed the company of some of the families from our church. We had a great time of eating, laughing, and singing. The food we had was unbelievable. I experienced homemade collards for the first time. Josh and I decided at 12am Christmas morning to celebrate and open gifts. Josh got me a i-pod shuffle, clothes, book of Italy. I got him lots of clothes, socks, and dvds. We also bought a new tv for the living room. We enjoyed that gift a little early. This is the first Christmas in many many years that I have been home on Christmas day. We usually go to High Point because Christmas was on Monday we decided to stay home this year. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!! Josh, Hernan, and Winslow hanging out in the living room waiting for lunch to get heated up.
Josh and Hernan waiting patiently to eat