Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Jessica!!

Wednesday night we went out to eat with Jessica for her 21st birthday. It is hard to believe she is 21. We hope she had a wonderful birthday!! Josh enjoying some of Mrs. Joyner's famous birthday cake. I think she has made most of the cakes for our birthdays since we moved her almost 21 years ago. She made our wedding cake. I will have to say after being frozen for a year it was still very good. Happy 21st Birthday Jessica!!!
Anna sitting with the birthday girl.
Kara posing for a picture.


Anonymous said...

I can not believe that Jessica is 21. When I saw that on your blogspot, I told Gray "aint that crazy." When we started hanging out Jessica was in the 3rd or 4th grade. CRAZY! Lil Jess is all grown up.